Linked Data

Linked Data Service LINDAS (dt. Version)

4.1 Linked Data Principles

LD4D 1: Introduction into Linked Data

What is Linked Data?

Introduction to Linked List

5.4 Linked Data Programming

Was ist Linked Open Data?

Move to the future with linked data

Day 5 // Need Of Data Structures #youtube

An Introduction to Data Linking

De kracht van Linked Data

Linked Open Data, what on earth is that?

Using Linked Data Types in Excel

CROW Linked Data Platform

The Linked Open Data In Three Minutes

Introduction to Linked Lists (Data Structures & Algorithms #5)

Linked Open Data - What is it?

What is Linked Open Data?

RDF Tutorial - An Introduction to the Resource Description Framework

Linked Data Event Streams: adoption and tooling - Pieter Colpaert

E. Dubach – Linked Data Governance

2.6 Linked Data Management Basics

Free webinar: European Data on Rails, the Linked Data Project

From language to linked data, how I collaborate: Myungdae Cho at TEDxSNUSuwon